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Florida Contract Law Impossibility of Performance

Florida Contract Law: Understanding the Doctrine of Impossibility of Performance

Contracts are a fundamental component of any business or legal transaction. When parties enter into an agreement, they do so with the expectation that each party will meet their obligations under the contract. However, circumstances can arise that make it impossible for one or both parties to fulfill their duties.

In such cases, the doctrine of impossibility of performance may come into play. This legal concept helps to resolve disputes in situations where a party is unable to perform their contractual obligations due to unforeseen and uncontrollable events.

What is the Doctrine of Impossibility of Performance?

The doctrine of impossibility of performance is a legal principle that acknowledges that certain events can make it impossible for a party to fulfill their contractual obligations. It is also commonly referred to as the doctrine of frustration of purpose or impossibility of performance.

Under Florida contract law, impossibility of performance can be invoked when an unforeseeable event occurs that makes it impossible for one or both parties to fulfill their contractual obligations. These events may include natural disasters, government regulations, war or national emergency, or the death or incapacity of a key person required to perform the contract.

For example, if a contractor has agreed to build a home for a client, but a natural disaster such as a hurricane destroys the property before construction is complete, the contractor may be excused from fulfilling their contractual obligations due to impossibility of performance.

However, it is important to note that the doctrine of impossibility of performance only applies to situations where the event that prevented performance was not foreseeable at the time the contract was entered into. In other words, the party claiming impossibility must prove that the event was unexpected and beyond their control.

How Does Impossibility of Performance Affect Contracts?

When impossibility of performance occurs, the contract is considered terminated due to the unforeseen circumstances preventing performance. This means that both parties are released from their obligations under the contract and are no longer obligated to fulfill their duties.

However, it is important to follow proper legal procedures when terminating a contract due to impossibility of performance. The party claiming impossibility must provide notice to the other party as soon as possible and must provide evidence of the event that prevented performance.

Additionally, parties may also include force majeure clauses in their contracts, which specifically address unforeseen events that could make it impossible for one or both parties to fulfill their obligations. These clauses can provide additional clarity and protection in situations where impossibility of performance occurs.


The doctrine of impossibility of performance plays an important role in Florida contract law, providing a legal basis for parties to terminate contracts when unforeseen events make it impossible for one or both parties to fulfill their duties. While this legal principle offers protection when unexpected situations arise, it is important to follow proper legal procedures and consider including force majeure clauses in contracts to provide additional clarity and protection.